Break It! Module
You’ll be required to break your work by each of its syllables. You should break words into syllables starting by highlighting syllables LEFT to RIGHT. You select each syllable by clicking down in front of the 1st letter of the syllable you would like to highlight and holding down the mouse and releasing after the group of letters that represent a syllable selection is highlighted.

If you get the answer incorrect, the program will show you where the syllable breaks are and you can try again.
If you made a highlighting error, click on the REDO button and try again.
This module on saves the highest score. If you break a word incorrectly the 1st time it will be marked as incorrect.
Note: We may not have some of your words in your word list in our syllables database. If a word is not included in this module, that is why. You can email us at: if you need a worded added to our syllables database.